The pastoral care of holiness through art is the central theme of the XXXV Jornadas Nacionales de Patrimonio Cultural (35th National Conference on Cultural Heritage) being held at Avila from June 22 to 25. Jesús García Burillo, Bishop of Avila, is the host of this meeting organized by the Episcopal Commission for Cultural Heritage. For four days the figure of St. Teresa of Jesus and the Foundation The Ages of Man have a prominent role in the working papers and various activities scheduled.
Monday, June 22nd
1:00 p.m. Arrival at the Diocesan Seminary of Avila
14:00 h Lunch at the Diocesan Seminary of Avila.
16:00 h Inaugural opening session. Presentation of the Conference. Jesús García Burillo, Bishop of Avila and President of the Episcopal Commission for Cultural Heritage. Also participating: Mr. Óscar Robledo Merino, Diocesan Delegate for Cultural Heritage of Avila. Mr. Gonzalo Jiménez Sánchez, Secretary General of the Foundation Las Edades del Hombre. Mr. Pablo Delclaux de Muller, Director of the Secretariat of the Commission for Cultural Heritage.
16:30 h Inaugural lecture: Teresa of Jesus and the image: the saint of the Baroque. Juan Dobado Fernández, OCD, Commissioner of the National Exhibitions of St. Teresa.
18:00 h Visit to the Monastery of the Incarnation 20:00 h Vespers and Mass at the Monastery of the Incarnation
21:00 h Dinner at the Teresian-St. John's International Center (CITeS)
Tuesday, June 23rd
08:30 a.m. Lauds
10:00 h Lecture: Introduction to the Ages of Man: Teresa, teacher of prayer. Mr. Óscar Robledo Merino, Diocesan Delegate of Cultural Heritage of Ávila.
11:00 h Lecture: Theological Reading of Christian Art. Antonio Gascón Aranda, sm, Director of the General Archive of the Company of Mary.
12:00 h Break
12:30 p.m. Lecture: Avila, the stone at the service of the spirit. Mr. Pablo Martín Pascual, Professor at the Diocesan School of Avila.
14:00 h Lunch at the Diocesan Seminary of Avila.
16:00 h Departure for Las Edades del Hombre (Ávila)
20:00 h Vespers. Eucharist at the Convent of the Saint (Convent of Saint Teresa of Jesus).
21:00 h Visit to the Cathedral of Avila, dinner in the cloister.
Wednesday, June 24th
08:30 a.m. Lauds
10:00 h Lecture: Iconography: an instrument for evangelization. Ms. Sirga de la Pisa Carrión, Professor of Art History, CEU San Pablo University.
11:00 h Lecture: One word, a thousand images. The Bible as a source of inspiration for Christian art. Mr. Francisco Juan Martínez Rojas, Diocesan Delegate of Cultural Heritage of Jaén.
12:30 p.m. Lecture: The justification of the cult of images. Mr. Jesús Casás Otero, Professor of Theology and Church History.
14:00 h Lunch at the Diocesan Seminary of Avila.
16:00 h Departure to Alba de Tormes
17:30 h Visit to Las Edades del Hombre Alba de Tormes and the Carmelite Convent Museum.
20:00 h Vespers. Eucharist in the Church of the Carmelite Nuns.
21:00 h Dinner
Thursday, June 25th
08:15 a.m. Lauds. Eucharist
10:00 h Lecture: New evangelization and art: cinema. Ms. Lucía González-Barandiarán, Marketing and Communication Manager of Europa Dreams Factory.
12:00 h Break
12:30 h Communication: Security management in the face of new threats. Mr. Ricardo Sanz Marcos, Managing Partner of Proarpa. Protection of Assets and Patrimony
1:00 p.m. Conclusions
14:00 h Lunch at the Diocesan Seminary of Avila.
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C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
28806, Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55