
Baldachin of St. Thomas Aquinas church

The canopy created for St. Thomas Aquinas Church (California, USA) shows the quality of our interior architecture designs.

The structure rises on 4.07-meter-high salomonic columns, helicoidal structures in which a classic perspective game is applied, consisting of the reduction of the space between spirals as the height increases.

Made of cast bronze, from a wooden model executed by hand, they support the canopy that tops it, made with scrolls that culminate in the cross. The canopy has a total height of 10.20 meters.

The harmony with which the pavilion defines a more intimate space, under the great vault of the temple, allows the altar to be enhanced, contributing to the space gaining in harmony and elegance.

This solution focuses the attention on the altar and the celebrant when they are located away from the walls of the church and, therefore, without the support of classical elements such as altarpieces and images.

The model built is of classicist inspiration with baroque influences, following the model made by Gian Lorenzo Bernini for St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

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