Beauty, a pathway leading to God.
The short films, whatever their kind, will have a maximum duration of 10.
Entries should be submitted in a digital format (.dvd, .mov, .avi or .mp4) with a minimum resolution of 729×480 px.
The winner of the competition will receive a handcrafted enamelwork medallion made in Talleres de Arte Granda.
Any person or group, professional or amateur, with no age limit.
Entries should be sent to before September 20 at 10 p.m.
The judge's panel will be composed by several highly qualified specialists in liturgy and the arts. They will value the originality, freshness and innovation, as well as the technical quality of the audiovisual piece.
The ruling will take place on Sunday September 30st, 2018 at Saint James Church, Antwerp, Belgium, during VIA PULCHRITUDINIS' study day. Winners will be announced through social media and the Granda Website
*Talleres de Arte Granda S.A. reserves the right to accept or decline the material sent by competitors if the technical quality of the short films or the theme does not comply with the competition rules.
LEGAL NOTE: Participation in the Festival implies acceptance of these regulations and decisions made by the management and board. The entrant guarantees to have cleared all (intellectual property) rights needed for screening during Go Short - International Short Film Festival Nijmegen and shall indemnify the Festival against all liability towards third parties.