
Enrichment of a Romanesque silver chalice

Beauty can always be improved and even more so everything that is in contact with the body and blood of Christ.

GRANDA has enriched a Romanesque silver chalice by adding a new base, also in silver, with applications of six semiprecious stones on the base and three decorative silver ribs.

The inside of the cup was also gilded.

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C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
28806, Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55

Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
28806, Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55

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