
Granda dresses in blue to celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception

Next Sunday, December 7, at 21:00 hours, will take place the traditional Great Vigil of the Immaculate Conception in all the dioceses of Spain and several countries of Latin America.

On this occasion, in all Spanish churches, the priests and ministers who officiate at Holy Mass have the privilege of wearing the blue chasublesymbol of the purity and virginity of Mary and is used for the festivities of the Virgin. In order for the blue chasuble to be used, you need a special permission from the Holy See which was granted to Spain in 1864 in gratitude for Spain's defense of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception.

Different models of Marian chasubles made entirely in the workshop Los Rosales de Granda as well as numerous images of the Immaculate Conception are available to the public in our online store.

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