Through its new website,, the sacred art company will offer more than 1,000 items that can be purchased from anywhere in the world.
With this premise, Granda has just launched its new website,, which features, as a great novelty, an online store that can be accessed and purchased from anywhere in the world.
Gold and silverware products such as tabernacles, ciboria, chalices, monstrances or altar crosses, chasubles and other textile ornaments, gifts and up to a total of 1,000 items will be available on the new website, which is already available for sale.
The online store is in Spanish and English, but other languages such as French, Polish and Russian, among others, are planned to be included in the coming months.
With a very simple navigation, the new website is part of the expansion strategy that Granda has implemented to facilitate the access and purchase of its sacred art products from any country in the world.
Michigan Ave #900,
332 S. Chicago,
Illinois, United States
+1 312-944-9905
Michigan Ave #900,
332 S. Chicago,
Illinois, United States
+1 312-944-9905