
Granda sponsors the "Sacra Liturgia" Congress in London

13775375_649448668535830_8554582813891260294_nOn July 5, 6, 7 and 8, the third edition of the Sacra Liturgia international conference was held in London. More than 300 people attended the talks given by renowned experts such as Cardinal Robert Sarah (Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship), Bishop Salvatore Cordileone (Archbishop of San Francisco), Bishop Dominique Rey (Bishop of Toulon), Bishop Alan Hopes (Bishop of East Anglia), (Ordinariate of Our Lady of Washingham), Dom Alcuin Reid and D. Uwe Michael Lang, among others.

Sacra Liturgia is an international movement whose objectives are the study, promotion and renewal of the use of the liturgy in the life of the Church. The talks dealt with various topics related to the liturgy with a reading in the key of the New Evangelization: history, rubrics, translation of texts, art and architecture, music and chant....

The last editions were held in Rome and New York, reflecting its international character. Since their inception, Granda has been actively involved in this movement, providing support as a sponsor, holding exhibitions of sacred art and participating in liturgical formation. For the London event, Granda installed an exhibition of works, goldsmithing and tabernacles, tailoring and embroidery as well as carving and polychromy. The very high artistic quality of the works on display aroused great interest among the attendees.


On the occasion of this conference, Granda has also made a new model of Palia. This one incorporates an embroidered motif that represents two deer drinking from a fountain that springs from the Cross, referring to Psalm 41: "As the deer longs for the streams of water, so my soul longs for you, my God". Sacra Liturgia has chosen it as an emblem because the liturgy is "the summit, the source of life and mission of the Church". This motif was very popular in Christian antiquity, regaining popularity at the end of the 19th century. In fact, to make the embroidery we have used an original drawing of D. Félix Granda, founder of this house, who had a great predilection for this motif.

To see photos of the entire event, click here:

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Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
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Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55

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