
Great women of the Church. Feminine beauty and charisma carved in wood.

On this March 8, International Women's Day, we present to you some representations of great women saints who, facing difficulties, have dedicated their lives to the service of God and others. This is how we have represented their charisma and feminine beauty in our workshops:

Saint Constance


mg 7851 scaled
mg 7852

Santa Teresa de los Andes


dsc9320 e1520509141115 scaled
dsc8847 scaled

Santa Margarita


s margarita 1 scaled
s margarita1 e1520508747152 e1520508747152

St. Lucia


1194e copy


Saint Teresa of Avila


p90915621 scaled
p1010075 scaled

Santa Clara


1219e copy

Santa Monica


monica 1143 b
monica 1143


Saint Catherine of Siena


catalina de siena scaled

St. Mary of the Cross (Mary Mackillop)


mary mackillop1
mary mackillop scaled

St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)


p9091571 scaled
special teresa benecdicta 1

Saint Therese of Lixieux


imag0044 scaled

Mother Carmen


pb200040 e1520507689219
mother carmen

St. Teresa of Calcutta


teresa calcuta scaled
teresa calcutta 2

St. Maria Goretti


maria goretti scaled
maria goretti 1

St. Hildegard of Bingen


st hildegard of bingen scaled
st hildegard of bingen 2



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C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
28806, Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55

Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
28806, Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55

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