Between December 1917 and January 1918, St. Josemaría Escrivá discovered his vocation of dedication to God. He was moved to do so by the footsteps of a Carmelite religious who walked barefoot through the snowy streets of Logroño. One hundred years later, The church of Santiago El Real in Logroño has dedicated one of the side chapels to St. Josemaría, where an altar and a wooden altarpiece with a painting and a bas-relief have been placed.
Altar and altarpiece made by Talleres de Arte Granda. The altarpiece, made of cedar wood, integrates the painting by Isabel Guerra and the bas-relief by Diana García.
The design and structure of the altarpiece, the frame of these two pieces, as well as the altar and the lateral illumination have been made in our workshops. The altarpiece integrates an oil painting of St. Josemaria work of Isabel Guerra and a resin relief of the scene of the footprints in the snow by Diana García.
The altarpiece, almost two and a half meters high, was made of water-repellent fiberboard with varnished cedar wood, a combination that offers a beautiful result while preserving the piece from deterioration due to humidity. In the central part it has three frames in gilded wood with mixtionThe second one frames the coat of arms of the Church, also gilded, another one frames the oil painting of St. Josemaría, and a third one for the bas-relief.
The complex is built on a gray granite altar and receives illumination in the upper half by means of led lighting integrated into the wooden sides.
The finished work can already be contemplated in a lateral arcosolio of the temple.
The past The blessing of the altarpiece took place on January 21, presided over by the bishop of the Diocese. D. Carlos Escribano Subías, accompanied by the bishop of Arecibo and the Vicar Delegate of Opus Dei for La Rioja and Aragon D. Pablo Lacorte Tierz.
Thus the church highlights the figure of a saint who belonged to his parish during his youth until he moved to Zaragoza and who felt in Logroño, very close to the church, the first signs of his vocation. that would lead him to found, ten years later, Opus Dei. His brother Santiago was baptized there, and his father's funeral was also held there.