Weeks ago, our Art Workshops began to prepare the works for Christmas 2020. The hands of our artisans and artists are working on the Mysteries, Nativity scenes and the figures of the Child Jesus, well in advance, so that they will be available to celebrate Easter.
Baby Jesus carved in wood
In the images, we see our worker Elena polychroming by hand a wood carving of the Baby Jesus, made by hand. These images have a long tradition in our country, where they are exposed for veneration during these special days in churches and homes.
Our Mysteries and Nativity scenes are made in different materials and finishes. In the photograph, we can see how an image of the Virgin Mary is polychromated by hand.
Polychrome of an image of the Virgin for a Nativity Scene. GRANDA Art Workshops.
Also in our Taller Artesano Los Rosales we are preparing pieces for the upcoming festivities, among them the Marian chasubles, of blue liturgical color, whose special use was granted to Spain by the Pope for its defense of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception. Although the liturgical cycle of Christmas begins with the first Sunday of Advent, in our country the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, which is celebrated on December 8, was traditionally considered the beginning of this period, when the Nativity was placed in a prominent place.
Marian chasuble. Los Rosales Artisan Workshop.