
Our purpose


Our Purpose

"To make an art impregnated with the smell of Christ, saturated with memories of the past, where the biblical spirit palpitates; and that this art be alive, because it is united to the trunk of traditions, and because, being from the past, it corresponds to the needs of the present".

(Félix Granda y Buylla, "Art workshops".Madrid, 1911).

With these words, Mr. Felix Grandafounder of the GRANDA Art Workshops began a chapter of our company's first catalog, to which he gave the eloquent title: My Purpose.


In it he outlined the ideas that led him to found the company and which today constitute our mission and values: Passion, Excellence y Art.


GRANDA is a company of sacred art, based in Alcalá de Henares, capable of equipping any church, oratory or chapel with unique works, handmade in our art workshops as well as carrying out integral projects of decoration and conditioning of religious spaces for worship.


"A work that starts from the same origins; drinking from the same sources that inspired Christian art in its most glorious epochs, and all this, felt and executed with careful study, is what I wish to do with my personal work, and it is what I want the artists and workers who form these workshops to do."

D. Félix Granda y Buylla, Pbro. "Art Workshops".. Madrid, 1910.


"Use art as we use language, to speak and teach Christ and not to teach ourselves, much less to flaunt our luxury and vanity."

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Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

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