Beauty as a path to God.
Short films, regardless of their genre, shall have a maximum duration of 10 min. The material must be sent in digital format (.dvd, .mov, .avi or .mp4) and in a quality of no less than 729×480 px.
The winner will receive an enamel handmade in Talleres de Arte Granda.
Any person or group, whether professional or amateur, with no age limit.
Short films must be sent to before September 20 at 10:00 p.m.
The jury will be composed of several experts in art and liturgy from different fields, who will evaluate both the originality and the technical quality of the audiovisual piece.
The jury will reveal the winning short film during the day. Via Pulchritudinis on September 30 and will subsequently publish the results on its social networks.
*The organization reserves the right to admit or not the material sent by the contestants, if the quality or the subject matter does not meet the requirements of the rules.
LEGAL NOTE: The fact of participating in the Granda Contest, Beauty as a way to meet God, implies the consent of the participants to the use of their name, voice and image in publications and other advertising media and in general in all promotional material for promotional purposes of Talleres de Arte Granda S.A. according to article 1.3 of the Organic Law of May 5, 1982.