
Pushkin Special Tabernacle (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Granda has just finished a special tabernacle that will soon travel to St. Petersburg (Russia). It is a tabernacle made of gilded metal with a relief scene of "The Annunciation". On the inside of the door is engraved a scene of "The Baptism of the Lord".
Approximate measurements: 33.6 cm high by 31 cm wide.

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C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
28806, Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55

Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
28806, Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55

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