of America is located in a neo-Gothic style campus from the beginning of the 20th century. The interior of the building where the chapel is located was recently renovated in a contemporary style typical of university centers. As part of this renovation, GRANDA designed the new chapel and crafted the devotional and liturgical elements in a minimalist style evoking features of the exterior architecture of the University as well as other distinctive features of the Busch School setting.
The altarpiece stands out, which is a reinterpretation of a medieval altar panel, in which the ornamentation is centered on a single painting with a gilded background, enhanced by a simple dark-toned hardwood panel that frames it. The painting recreates the classical representation of the medieval Pantocrator in a hyper-realistic style. The entire background is covered with gold leaf, on which the worshiping figures are cut out, related to teaching and economics, a subject taught at this University. The wood of the altarpiece and ceiling contrasts with the white marble of the floor and walls, highlighting the via sacra and focusing the attention of the faithful on the presbytery.
recreates the classical representation of the medieval Pantocrator in a hyper-realistic style. In the center and in the upper part, Christ in majesty holds the Book and blesses with his right hand, on a background of intense cobalt blue and inside a mandorla. His left hand and foot are superimposed on the frame of the mandorla, a gesture that underlines the parallelism with the Pantocrator of San Clemente de Tahull, summit of the Romanesque, and that invites us to participate in the scene. The entire background is covered with gold leaf, on which are cut out the adoring figures of saints representing youth, work and economy, as well as Leo XII, founder of the University.
modernism at the request of our client, the stained glass windows filter the light coming from the outside. Ten saints are represented in them: St. Josemaría Escrivá, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Katharine Drexel, St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Catherine of Alexandria, Blessed Giorgio Frassati, St. Margaret Clitherow, St. Henry Shaw and, in the sacristy, St. Gregory the Great.
GRANDA's liturgical vestments for the University include the tabernacle. Its temple-like form is inspired by the neo-Romanesque National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, also located on the University campus. It is made of marble and metal. Its half-orange dome, partially enameled in blue, emulates the color of the tiles that adorn the dome of the basilica. On the door, a gilded relief of St. Michael the Archangel stands out against a background of lacquerwork whose geometric shapes are also inspired by the decorative motifs of the Basilica's dome. The lacquerwork is engraved and enameled in champlevé, a technique widely used in Romanesque goldsmithing. The monstrance is a model based on a design by Don Félix Granda from the first third of the 20th century, with large blue enamels of trasflor.