This processional paso was commissioned by the Brotherhood of Our Lady of Solitude and Sacred Descent of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Designed and carved by the renowned sculptor Luis Ortega Bru, it was made in our workshops between 1950 and 1957.
The sculptural ensemble consists of a monumental carving of the dead Christ being taken down from the cross by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea. It is completely carved and polychromed with glazes.
Below, his Mother, St. John the Evangelist, Mary Magdalene, Mary of Cleophas and Mary of Bethany are waiting to receive his body. This second group at the foot of the cross is made up of vestured images.
The workmanship and expression of the faces and hands of the second group differs from the rotundity and expressive force of the sculptural trio of the cross, which demands the viewer's full attention.
Once the work was finished, it was presented at an exhibition of GRANDA's works held in 1958 at the Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid).
Passage of the mystery of the Sacred Descent from the Cross.
Original clay model
Luis Ortega Bru posing in front of his work at the Art Workshops Exhibition at the National Library (Madrid, Spain).