
This is how this large silver monstrance, more than one meter high, was made.

We entered the workshop to learn about the process of making this monstrance, which is no less than 1.20 meters high, handcrafted in our workshops. The monstrance, destined for a chapel in Chile, is made of sterling silver and bathed in fine silver and then ornamented with cabochons and hand-enameled plates.

custody chile

For the elaboration of this special monstrance, after the selection of a design among several raised, we proceeded to the creation The handcrafting of each of the pieces that would later be assembled. This task of modeling the silver, giving it shape, reveals the mastery of a goldsmith, since the precision must be exact so that the components fit perfectly at the moment of assembly.

Once the parts have been created, the tailoredThis is essential in any quality process: the metal parts are introduced into a lathe and adapt to the movements of the goldsmith's tools, gradually acquiring the desired shape.

After this, the parts of the custody are ready for the engraving and chiselingartistic tasks of meticulous metalworking. In order to trace and engrave the metal without denting it, it is necessary to generate resistance by filling the pieces with a mixture of blond fish, pine resin, pitch and tar, which is extracted from the piece after the process. Subsequently, the parts are polish the metal and thus give it the brightness of the finish.

Finally, the parties to the custody are subjected to a electrolytic bath. The metal parts are silver plated with fine silver to standardize their external appearance and, sometimes, they are also subjected to an oven lacquering process that ensures the durability of the finish.

This custody has been, after its elaboration, enriched with enamels decorative. Fired enameling, an ancestral technique intimately linked to Christian art, is made from silica powder which, moistened, is applied with a brush on a base plate. It is then fired in a kiln at high temperatures where it melts and solidifies, taking on a glassy appearance.




Here you can see the monstrance assembled and finished. It is a sun monstrance decorated with cast silver crosses and stars. The shaft has simple chiseled ornaments and both the shaft and the base have recessed recesses to accommodate the enamels that have been placed later.

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