
A new tabernacle for the Asunción de Ntra. Sra. de Aravaca parish (Madrid)

The new tabernacle of the Asunción de Nuestra Señora de Aravaca parish church has already been installed in the chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. It is a sagrario de mandorla with rays and door with enamel, with the scene of the Resurrection. On the sides, two wooden Angels with bronze finishThe lamps of the Blessed Sacrament are held.

Both the project design as the elaboration of the tabernacle and the Angels have been carried out by Granda Art Workshops

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C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
28806, Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55

Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
28806, Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55

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