
A chasuble embroidered with the Holy Trinity

Hand embroidery. GRANDA Art Workshops.

Hand embroidery. Los Rosales Artisan Workshop.

This special chasuble, personalized for our client, has been recently finished in our Taller Artesano Los Rosales. On this occasion, the subject of the Holy Trinity has been included as iconography. On the front strip, hand-embroidered with silk and fine gold thread, the Holy Spirit appears in the form of a dove, which occupies the most prominent place on the priest's chest. On the back strip, made with the same technique, the Holy Trinity is represented. The ornamental motifs of the strip are made by means of appliqué embroidery.

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C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
28806, Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55

Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

Serving the Church with sacred art since 1891

C/ Galileo Galilei, 19.
28806, Alcalá de Henares,
Madrid. Spain
(+34) 91 802 36 55

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