
We bring Murillo's Annunciation to a church in Pushkin (Russia)

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Exterior of the Church

The church of St. John the Baptist is located in Pushkin, Russia. Although the structure of the church is intact since 1825, the interior and the works of art it housed were severely damaged after World War II.l. The damage is due, on the one hand, to the fact that it was looted and emptied of furniture and liturgical elements and, on the other hand, because it was used for decades for the military and storage needs of the communist regime.

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New interior lining of the church. In the center, the tabernacle made by GRANDA.

At the end of 1990, the building reopened as a parish of the Catholic Church after renovation. The renovation work at St. John the Baptist, dedicated, as its name suggests, to John the Baptist. In the task of renovation, St. John the Baptist, dedicated, as its name indicates, to John the Baptist, entrusted GRANDA with the elaboration of a new tabernacle.


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Tabernacle in classical style, based on the Renaissance construction of the "Tempietto".

The tabernacle is of classical style, based on the Renaissance construction of the "Tempietto". to complement the altarpiece and the neoclassical exterior of the church. The piece is similar to the templetes, isolated constructions formed by columns and a roof on which rests a dome and which are typical buildings of the Renaissance. Adopting this form of pure lines and classic elementsthe tabernacle expresses its inspiration in the esthetic ideals of proportion and harmony of the time.


The tabernacle was entirely made in our workshops, uniting goldsmiths, marble workers and enamel workers in the same project.

The body of the tabernacle is made of gold-plated brasswhich takes a domed shape at the top. The design is enriched with columns - classic element par excellence - made in green marble and topped with gilded metal capitals. The capitals are decorated with acanthus leaves in the Corinthian style.

On top of the columns we find, in a seated position, the four evangelists who proclaim the Good News to the world.

The door of the tabernacle is of extraordinary beauty. It was chosen to embellish it with the painting by The Annunciation of the Virgin Mary by Murillowhich was reproduced on the metal door with enamels vitreous.

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Original painting by Esteban Murillo executed between 1660 and 1665. Currently on display at the Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain.

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