The Basilica
of the Immaculate Conception of Mongomo is the second largest Catholic church in Africa and, as a result, an important center of Catholic worship and devotion. In order to promote local worship, our client wanted to equip the Basilica with four floats for processions that take place every year during the Holy Week. Inspired by the time-honored and widely spread Spanish tradition, the floats carry sculpted scenes. For this special commission, these scenes included: Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, popularly known as “La Borriquilla” (“the Little Donkey procession”), Nazarene Christ with the Cross on his shoulders, Our Lady of Sorrows, and a dead Corpus Christi deposed from the Cross, which was inspired by a beautiful model carved by José Capuz for GRANDA during the first half of the 20th century. Execution of these special floats has been especially supported by the creation of brotherhoods in this Basilica.