Gothic Chalice, Ciborium, and Paten Set
Gilded, forged, carved, cast, chiseled and engraved, with champlevé enamel.
Set inspired by neo-Gothic style metalwork. Both the chalice and the ciborium have a lobed base with an openwork frieze and, in the upper part, six champlevé enamels with a golden reserve area. Both the bottom of the base and the stem are decorated with chiseled trefoils, where the bottom has been tinged. The stem is divided into two sections separated by a crenellated cluster, and another larger one, decorated with rosettes on blue enamel. Both feature a rose or chalice cover, golden in the case of the chalice, and in the original color with golden areas on the ciborium, with simple cresting decorations in the form of lily flowers. In both cases, champlevé enamel with an inscription in reserve runs around the contour. The ciborium features a chiseled lid with trefoils, with a golden molding, finished off with a golden cross. The paten reproduces the decorative motifs of the set, incorporating the Mystical Lamb within a rosette in the center of the reverse side, in blue champlevé enamel.