Monstrance of the Cathedral of Toledo

Featured Works: Toledo-Spain

The great monstrance

ensemble is made up of three works: the portable gold monstrance by Jaume Aimeric (1495-99), the silver monstrance by Enrique de Arfe (1515-23) and the pedestal of the Angels by Manuel de Bargas Machuca (1741 -42) of silver and gilded bronze. We carried out a comprehensive end-to-end intervention, including the complete disassembly of those three major elements, the treatment of mechanical alterations, cleaning, reintegration, protection, and assembly. At the same time, we extensively documented these complex structures, and performed the pertinent technical, gemological, and historical studies. Financing: Cultural Exchange Society of Toledo. Project and Technical Management: Cultural Heritage Institute of Spain. Execution: Talleres de Arte GRANDA S.A.
1 b i 44
2 b d 36
Toledo 1
toledo 2
2 b fw 22

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