Carved wood sculpture, water gilded and stewed, forged and chiseled silver, pearls, precious stones and enamels.
This image is a replica of the Virgin of Mercy, the patroness of Barcelona. The original is a Gothic carving attributed to Pere Moragues (14th century) and has always had many devotees. The replica we made is carved in wood, gilded in fine gold with an estofado treatment. As we always do in the reproduction of antiques, we always include some differences that distinguish out sculpture from the original. In this case, however, we attempted to maintain a character of antiquity. We achieve this by mastering techniques, in this case using gilders’ red bole, a special type of clay. On the reverse side you can see the fine gold leaf have been carefully arranged, in common with the original statue. The work is completed with two crowns, for the Virgin and Child, featuring jewels made of shaped, cast, and embossed silver, enriched with pearls, precious stones, and enamels.